3.5 Pride Month D3 second wave时期的女性题材影片四虎库影必出精品8848似乎有着共同的母题——家庭主妇的欲望觉醒或许在感情线的发展上处理有所不足但导演的视角和探讨问题的深度是可圈可点的既反映了现实状况也展现了对可能性的想象力喜欢影片色调
Masterpiece hitting softly! Czech new wave is no joke - pun intended, and no gulag for me. M. Forman, J. Jires & co... and then there's THIS. An almost plotless, experimental & highly feminine (not to be re-interpreted as feminist) mess, in which we follow two Manic Pixie Dream Girls go absolutely nuts. Not sure if angels or demons, but absolutely adorable. The feeling of pure freedom emanating from the characters, embedded in artsy & dreamlike environments/situation, whether the duo is wrecking havoc or simply posing, conjures a charm rarely witnessed: the illusion of the "anything is possible".